So, you are interested in outdoor gear reviews? Well, that is what we have for you in this guide.
One of the best things about RVing is extending your living space outdoors. Whether you’re relaxing under an awning, cooking outside, or gathering around the campfire, the right outdoor gear transforms your campsite into a cozy and functional living area.
In this guide, we’ll cover the essential camping and outdoor living RV gear that will make your time outside more enjoyable and comfortable.
Whether you’re upgrading your current equipment or starting fresh, our reviews will guide you to the best options for your next adventure.
Awnings and Shade Solutions
Creating a shaded outdoor area for your RV is essential for staying comfortable during sunny days, whether you're enjoying a meal, relaxing, or socializing.
While many RVs come with built-in awnings, additional shade solutions can improve your outdoor setup and make your experience even better. Here's a detailed guide to the most effective options:
Shade Solutions:
- Retractable Awnings: Retractable awnings are built-in features on most RVs, offering an easy way to create the shade you need. They extend from the RV to provide shelter over your outdoor space. Regular cleaning and proper storage during windy conditions will help them last longer. Retractable awnings are a quick, reliable solution for keeping cool and comfortable while enjoying the outdoors.
- Screen Rooms: Screen rooms attach to your RV’s awning, transforming it into an enclosed outdoor space. These rooms feature mesh walls, keeping bugs out while allowing airflow and natural light. They’re perfect for dining or relaxing without pests and offer extra living space for smaller RV setups. When choosing a screen room, choose one that fits your awning and is easy to assemble (and disassemble).
- Pop-Up Canopies: Pop-up canopies are portable, freestanding structures that provide instant shade wherever you need it. They are ideal for group gatherings or covering picnic areas as they’re lightweight and simple to set up. Look for models with UV-resistant fabrics and adjustable legs for uneven terrain. For safety, make sure to secure with stakes or weights if windy conditions are in the forecast.
- Wind Blockers and Shade Panels: Wind blockers and shade panels attach to your awning, offering protection from wind, sun, or light rain. These panels create a more enclosed outdoor space, so that your outdoor area remains enjoyable and sheltered in different climates.
Outdoor Furniture for RV Living
Comfortable outdoor seating and tables make a huge difference in your campsite setup.
Recommended Outdoor Furniture:
- Folding Chairs: Lightweight and easy to transport—perfect for lounging around the campfire.
- Camping Tables: Compact tables for dining or extra prep space.
- Recliners or Zero-Gravity Chairs: Offer premium comfort for outdoor relaxation.
- Hammocks: Create a cozy resting spot if your campsite has trees.
- Portable Picnic Tables: Great for group meals at campsites without table facilities.
Outdoor Cooking Gear
Cooking outside is one of the joys of RV camping. Having the right gear ensures that your outdoor meals are easy to prepare and delicious.
Essential Outdoor Cooking Gear:
- Portable Propane Grill: Perfect for grilling burgers, veggies, and more.
- Camp Stove: A portable stove is great for cooking meals that require pots and pans.
- Fire Pit Grill Grate: Use it over a campfire to cook steaks or toast marshmallows.
- Dutch Oven: Ideal for slow-cooked meals on a campfire.
- Outdoor Utensil Kit: Includes spatulas, tongs, and other grilling essentials.
Outdoor Lighting for Campsites
Proper lighting makes your outdoor area safer and more enjoyable after dark.
Popular Outdoor Lighting Options:
- String Lights: Create a cozy atmosphere by hanging string lights around your awning.
- Lanterns: Portable LED or solar-powered lanterns are ideal for lighting tables and pathways.
- Headlamps: Essential for hands-free tasks at night.
- Motion-Sensor Lights: Install around your RV to deter wildlife and enhance safety.
Outdoor Rugs and Mats
Outdoor rugs and mats keep dirt and sand from getting inside your RV while providing a comfortable surface underfoot.
Recommended Outdoor Rugs:
- Reversible RV Mats: Durable, weather-resistant mats designed for outdoor use.
- Non-Slip Mats: Use them at your RV’s entrance to wipe off dirt and moisture.
- Foldable Camping Rugs: Easy to pack and set up, offering extra comfort outside.
Fire Pit and Campfire Accessories
A campfire is the heart of any camping trip. Having the right accessories ensures you get the most out of your campfire experience.
Campfire Gear:
- Portable Fire Pit: Perfect for places where open fires are not allowed.
- Firewood and Fire Starters: Bring your own or check local regulations for sourcing firewood.
- Marshmallow Roasting Sticks: Essential for making s’mores with friends and family.
- Campfire Grill: Use it to cook meals directly over the fire.
Outdoor Games and Activities
Entertain yourself and your guests with fun outdoor games and activities.
Popular Outdoor Games:
- Cornhole: A beanbag toss game that’s fun for all ages.
- Frisbee or Disc Golf Set: Great for open spaces at the campground.
- Bocce Ball: A classic lawn game that’s easy to set up.
- Horseshoes: Another traditional game perfect for camping trips.
- Scavenger Hunt Kit: Great for kids to explore the campsite and stay active.
Water Gear for Lakeside and Beach Camping
If your campsite is near a lake, river, or beach, you’ll want to bring some water gear to enhance your outdoor fun.
Essential Water Gear:
- Inflatable Kayak or Paddleboard: Easy to transport and great for exploring waterways.
- Snorkeling Gear: Perfect for underwater adventures at coastal campgrounds.
- Float Tubes: Relax on the water with inflatable float tubes.
- Fishing Rods and Tackle Box: Many RVers love fishing at lakeside campsites.
- Beach Towels and Sand-Free Mats: Keep yourself comfortable and your gear clean.
Portable Power Solutions for Outdoor Living
Powering your outdoor activities and gadgets requires portable power solutions, especially when boondocking.
Outdoor Power Gear:
- Portable Solar Panels: Keep your devices and batteries charged with clean energy.
- Power Bank: Charge your phone and other small devices while outside.
- Inverter Generator: Great for running outdoor appliances like stoves or lighting.
- Extension Cords and Power Strips: Ensure you have power wherever you need it.
Storage and Organization Solutions for Outdoor Gear
Staying organized makes it easier to enjoy your time outdoors. Having dedicated storage for outdoor gear keeps everything in its place.
Outdoor Storage Solutions:
- Collapsible Storage Bins: Great for organizing cooking gear, games, or firewood.
- Hanging Organizers: Attach to your awning or RV door to store smaller items.
- Bike Rack: If you’re traveling with bikes, a sturdy bike rack keeps them secure.
- Gear Bags: Use heavy-duty bags to transport camping equipment and outdoor furniture.
- Folding Utility Wagon: Perfect for hauling gear from your RV to the campsite or beach.
Key Takeaway: Create a Comfortable Outdoor Living Space on the Road
With the right camping and outdoor living gear, your RV experience can be as comfortable and enjoyable outdoors as it is inside. Whether you’re relaxing under an awning, grilling dinner, or playing games with friends, having the right equipment ensures your time outside is well-spent.
Before your next adventure, assess your outdoor setup and make a list of any gear you need to add or upgrade. Investing in quality outdoor equipment will enhance your camping experience and create lasting memories.
TOP of Outdoor Gear Reviews for RVers